Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My most valuable thing...

I thought i never have any valuable things in life but i was blind to see it i didn't notice that i got so many valuable things and now i know i am special because i have this valuable things in life and without them i don't know where and who i am now and this valuable things i am talking is my family,friends and my girlfriend. They are the one making me special and i thank the Lord i have them. They are always there to make me happy and help me in times of problems. This valuable things that i have now is the people that will never hurt me and will never ever live me. Family, Friends and my Girlfriend was the most valuable things in my life because they express there love and care to me and accept me as who i am and always understand me eventhough i was not be good to them they always understand me because they love me and now it is the time for me to show to them that they are my valuable things in life.

Everyday in my daily life i always think of them every single minute i always think of them because in times that i am thinking of them many things reminds me of them and i can't help my self to smile everytime i remember the times that we were together happy and making some memories to be remembered. In my life i have many things that i want to have but i think this people this most valuable things that i have now is the very best things that i will wish to God that this people will stay with me forever and ever and may our life will always be happy and will stay the good relationship to each other. I was very thankful to have them in my life i will keep them until to my last breathe i will never let them go because i love them so much.

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